This is also very wide area of our products and our specialty, which we approach according to the nature of the industry. Mostly it concerns the manufacturing/distribution/Marketing industry and may range from consumables to electronics to heavy industrial equipment to foods, drugs, motor vehicle consumables, energy sector brands and clothes. It may also be internationally organized; as well it could be Jua Kali (local light Industries). We have noted that most of the imports are coming from China. On this note we have fantastic contacts at the main border points. We wish to inform you that we offer this service and we are proud to say that this is one area we have had over 100% success in all our engagements.

On the same wave length, we offer anti illicit trade services. This arises in situations where the commodity in trade is not necessarily counterfeit but its presence in a certain region is illicit. This includes parallel imports, tax evasion, re importation of goods meant for export, diversion of goods meant for a certain market etc.

We have enormous experience in this field that spans all over the region, from Somalia to Democratic republic of Congo. We have invested heavily in a network of informers and operatives who contribute to the successful completion of an assignment.